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Article XIII

Article XIV

Board of Directors

Article XV

a) The Board of Directors is the officers of the Association provided for in the
Incorporation Agreement.

b) The Board of Directors is governed by these By-Laws.

c) The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to exercise general supervision
over the affairs and business of the Association and meet at least once a
year prior to the March meeting.

d) The Board of Directors shall oversee the activities of the Association,
formulate policies for the guidance of the organization, review By-Laws
annually, receive reports of all executive activities and shall carry out such
duties as may be provided in the Constitution and By-Laws.

e) Items of questionable procedure shall be turned over to the Board of
Directors for review and decision. In these matters the decision of the
Board of Directors shall be binding on the organization.

f) The Board of Directors shall number no less than three (3) no more than
five (5) members.

g) The Board of Directors is governed by these By-Laws.

h) The outgoing President, in good standing as stipulated in these By-Laws
shall automatically become a two (2) year Director at the conclusion of his
or her term of office.

i) The Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall preside at all meetings of
the Association as a whole in the absence of the President, Vice-President
and at such times to have the power to appoint committees after approval
of the formation by the Executive Committee.

j) Eligibility for the Board of Directors are: (1) any resident of the Union Free
School District #3, and/or in the zip code of 11776, Town of Brookhaven, in
good standing as stipulated by the By-Laws for a minimum of one year. (2)
Must have held office or chaired a committee for a period of not more than
three years prior to this position (must have held office or chaired a
Committee within the last three (3) years). (3) May not hold any other
elective office.

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