Article III
Article IV
Eligibility of Membership
To Organization
Article V
a) JOINING – Any resident spouse or offspring of same over 18 years of age
and residing in the household, situated within said 11776 zip code and or
Union Free School District No. 3.
b) JUNIOR NON-VOTING MEMBERSHIP – any offspring 16-18 years of age,
residing in the household of a resident who could qualify as a voting
member of the Civic Association. Junior members may be appointed by the
President to serve on any and all committees. Junior members may not
vote or hold office.
c) Any officer or director who resigns from office may not be nominated for,
nor hold, any office for one (1) year from the date of said resignation.
d) Any officer who has been removed (by impeachment for just cause) from
office upon the vote of three quarters (3/4) of the present members in
good standing may not be nominated for, nor hold, any office, elected or
appointed, within this organization.
e) Resignations: Any member who publicly resigns shall not be eligible to
rejoin for one (1) year from date of resignation.
f) As per our Incorporation Agreement, in order to ensure non-political goals
of the Association, any member of the Executive Committee shall not run
(officially accept an offer to run for an elective post) nor hold any partisan
elective or appointed positions which may create a conflict of interest to
the Mission and Purpose of the Civic Association.